Entrance Exam Syllabus
Entrance Result 2025 - 26
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Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Sanatan Dharma Vidyalaya is an English medium school situated at Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, India . The method of teaching is based on standards set by New Delhi’s Central Board of Secondary Education. The school provides education from Play Group to 10 +2 level.

Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Sanatan Dharma Vidyalayais a unique institution where education is imparted as a sacrament of Indian culture and values. We at our Vidyalaya believe in the ancient traditions of our great culture and strive to bring the all round development of our students.

Principal's Message

Mr. Rakesh Tripathi

"The aim of education is to manifest in our lives the perfection, which is very nature of our inner self"

Swami Vivekanand...

I extend my heartiest greetings to you and young aspirants at Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Sanatan Dharma Vidyalaya. This is an educational initiative by Late Sushila Narendra Jeet Singh Ji "Booji". The foundation of this institution was laid by Sri Madhav Sadashivrao Golwakar "Guru Ji" (Second Sar Sanghchalak of RSS)on 23rd Feb 1970. The school is named in the memory of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Ji, a charismatic figure. He was a great philosopher, thinker, patriot and social worker. We are committed to provide high quality education with moral values. A good education is nothing without strong moral values as both are needed to create great leaders. We focus and emphasize on "All Round Development" of the child and want to make them versatile genius. We also understand the essence in emphasizing the social- emotional learning development, cognitive development and character development to ensure that we are equipping them with necessary skills to leave us as successful and competitive citizens of 21st century. Our children are the Supreme Assets of the nation. Children of today can not be developed to be responsible and productive citizens of tomorrow unless an environment which is conducive to their social and physical health is assured to them. School provides all necessary facilities and atmosphere to grow into responsible and useful citizens of the nation. School is imparting technology based education which not only helps them to learn better but they also acquire multi tasking skills. With the integration of technology in education children have the ability to slow down and go back over lessons and concepts. Nelson Mandela has rightly said that "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the World." We create a learning environment that explores and supports the unique characteristics and challenges of students. Each member of the staff contributes towards its holistic development. We gain strength from each other and the expertise of each faculty and staff helps to create the knowledge hub from which our students draw sustenance in their journey of life.

Our Campus

Provide Best Education Over 40+ Years

"PDDUSDV Makes Education a Most Enriching Experience In Life"
While choosing the right school the parents should make sure that the school is not just bound to the acadamics but also lays importance on the extra curricular activities, cultural and sacramental education.

25000 +

Happy Students

100 +

Experianced Staff

100 %


Take the next step in your child's learning continuum

Managment Massege

Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Sanatan Dharma Vidyalaya is an English medium school situated at Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, India

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